Life is short. Do the shoot.

My boudoir philosophy:

1. Confidence beats physique any day
2. Boudoir is for everybody and every body
3. A smile is the sexiest thing you can wear
4. You're incharge of your own life so Do it for YOU.
5. It all starts with positive self talk
6. You always regret the things you don't do, not the things you do
7. Fake it til you make it

Hi there! Here is a little about me, the lady behind the lens, your favorite boudoir photographer!

I was addicted to boudoir as soon as I got a taste of it, believe me, you will know what I mean when you do your shoot! The experience is so uplifting it can be life-changing, as it definitely was for me. Even though I was hooked and knew I would always specialize in boudoir photography, when I first started photography in 2017 I dabbled in a little bit of everything. I was so fortunate to have the most incredible mentor who taught me so much, Aliki Ropus with Fox + Sloane Photography, thank you so much for taking me under your wing! I did weddings, engagements, family photos, birth stories, newborns, couples, bridals, food photography, event photography, commercial photography, senior photos, and even real estate photography, but boudoir was my one true love! 

I fully committed to boudoir and went full-time in 2020 and I haven’t looked back! I am so lucky and blessed to meet so many beautiful, strong, fun-loving, and all around amazing women though my career. I am honored each time my clients allow me to photograph and see the true, raw, and vulnerable sides to them. It is so powerful and the confidence shift that takes place is infectious. I get to even experience it vicariously as well, so of course I want to make a career out of it! I honestly believe I have the dream job! I am just a college dropout who is faking it til I make it, but my clients happiness is my number one priority. I will always strive my best to do whatever I can to make that happen! I want you to know that I am on your side and I want to provide a product and experience that you love, and if you ever don’t love something, let me know and I will do my best to fix it!

I love getting creative and trying to concept of shoots, it spices it up and keeps it fresh! This can be anything from bring new types of props to add to your photos or to a different location. So if you want to get creative and have a concept that you want to try out let me know and I’m there!

Outside of being a boudoir photographer here is a little more about me:

Wife to my loving and supportive husband Ashton who has helped me not only build my business but helped me realize the woman I can become. He is the one that reignited my passion for photography by buying my first DSLR camera for my birthday. But not only that, he has been my rock, he supports me endlessly through streams of tears, late nights of me stressing and him calming me down telling me it's going to be alright, and always watching our little boy while I am off doing photoshoots. I love and appreciate the hell out of him!

Mom to a darling, loving little boy named Dean. Motherhood has always been my number one goal and dream and this boy is what dreams are made of! I’m not saying it isn’t difficult at times, but he honestly just melts my heart and I wouldn’t want to live in a world without my little boy!

I am from a small town, Salina/Gunnison, UT. I grew up on a farm where I raised 2 pigs in the county fair and I was the Dairy Queen of Sanpete County in 2012. I grew up in an athletic family, so I love sports… not saying I’m any good. My favorites are volleyball, pickle ball and softball. I have always loved spending time in the mountains, as a kid our mountain property was pretty much my second home, and it’s where I feel the most peace. I always love adventure and I love to travel and see new places. I also love to go the gym and eat donuts! That's a little about me!

Favorite foods: Pizza, cheeseburgers, melted cheese and crackers, Dr. Pepper, and watermelon